Thursday, December 5, 2019

How TV and print media online ought to generate revenue
Copied from one of my comments made on  
PJ Media

That’s all fine and dandy. But I have doubts the old subscription model is going to work. It’s killing cable and satellite TV. People want ala carte. What would I pay per article? In all honestly, having thought about this for over two decades, about 1/10¢ per article. I read between 50-100 per day. Do the annual cost; way more than subscription offerings. But I refuse to pay every site an annual subscription to read a tiny fraction of all their offerings.
I would also be creating a new. Sector wide payment system like iPass. I would also include credits for responses to commenters, linking to others’ writings and more.  They generate clicks and clicks are money. Leverage the internet for chrissakes. Maybe even put pressure on advertisers. I think the whole sector is outdated in its revenue generating model.