Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The TSA had pled incompetence once too many

Again and again TSA employees use their tin badges to sexually molest , intimidate and threaten citizens. Each and every time, without exception the TSA issues statements to the effect that proper procedures and policies were not observed by the TSA employee. They promise that these policies and procedures will be reviewed with the employees to prevent any further mistakes. Sometimes they even might apologize.

The question needs to change. We citizens have been asking for compassion, restraint, changes. Sometimes the TSA changes, sometimes they don't. Now is the time to ask how long the citizens are expected to tolerate incidents like this one: humiliating Pat Down of Breast Cancer Survivor before we can assert with a minimum of certainty that the TSA is unable, unwilling and resisting making changes in response to the criticisms and, quite frankly, indecent treatment of citizens exercising a right to travel.

The justification for this quagmire of bureaucratic lewdness isn't supported by the facts or their success at making the airways safer.

If the government really wanted to make the airways safer they would encourage certain people to conceal carry. Law enforcement, military and ex-military, citizens with exemplary records. This show has to have a curtain call.

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